2014-2015 Graduate Bulletin

Honor Societies

The following Honor Societies have chapters at John Jay College. For more information, please call 212.237.8553.

Alpha Phi Sigma: Eta Phi Chapter - National Criminal Justice Honor Society

In 2006, John Jay established a chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, the nationally recognized honor society for students in the criminal justice sciences. The honor society is open to those with a declared Criminal Justice major or minor. The society recognizes the achievement of academic excellence by undergraduates as well as graduate students of criminal justice. To become a member, students must have completed 40 credits at the College, with a minimum of 3.2 overall GPA and a 3.2 GPA in criminal justice courses. Students must also rank in the top 35 percent of their classes and have completed a minimum of four courses within the criminal justice curriculum. For more information, please contact the faculty advisor, Professor Evan Mandery, at emandery@jjay.cuny.edu.

Pi Alpha Alpha - National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration

Pi Alpha Alpha is the National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. Under the auspices of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), this honor society encourages and rewards scholarship and accomplishment among students and practitioners of public affairs and administration, promotes advancement of education and scholarship in the art and science of public affairs and administration, and fosters integrity and creative performance in the conduct of governmental and related public service operations. For more information, please contact the faculty advisor, Professor Daniel Feldman, at dfeldman@jjay.cuny.edu.

Psi Chi - National Honor Society for Psychology

Selection for membership is based upon the student’s academic record in psychology (with a minimum of 12 credits), as well as overall class standing. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to faculty members in the Department of Psychology. For more information, please contact the faculty advisor, Professor Demis Glasford, at dglasford@jjay.cuny.edu.

Admission to Macaulay Honors College depends on a student’s College Academic Average (CAA), SAT/ACT scores, writing sample, letters of recommendation and interview. Entering freshmen who are admitted to Macaulay generally have SAT scores (Verbal and Quantitative) greater than 1200 and CAAs greater than 90. The admissions process considers the unique qualities each student brings so that exceptional students who do not meet these criteria may be considered for the program.

As University Scholars, Macaulay students must achieve an overall GPA of 3.3 by the end of freshman year and maintain a 3.5 GPA by the end of sophomore year and thereafter. Students must complete all four of the Macaulay Honors Seminars and a minimum of four additional honors courses at John Jay. Students must also complete honors in the major whenever available, and a senior thesis, or a capstone project. In addition to these academic requirements, students must engage in community service, internships, undergraduate research, study abroad, and Honors College Common Events over the course of all four years in the Macaulay Honors College.

For additional information, contact the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (212.237.8460, ispinfo@jjay.cuny.edu).