2014-2015 Graduate Bulletin

Steps to Completing a Thesis

To complete the thesis requirement, students must adhere to the following policies in addition to the specific requirements for the thesis established by their graduate programs and stated in the Program Specific Requirements section below.

The following policies apply to all graduate students.

  • All students must complete the thesis within one year of completing all other program degree requirements. Only in exceptional circumstances may the student request an extension by written petition to the faculty advisor, program director and dean. If the request is approved, the student will be granted a limited time period to complete the thesis.
  • After the program director has approved the thesis, a passing grade (P) will be posted.
  • The student must submit two copies of the thesis (on bond paper) to the library for binding.
  • The student must submit the following to the Registrar’s Office:
    1. the original and one copy of the thesis’ approval page;
    2. a receipt from the library that indicates that the thesis was submitted, and
    3. a receipt from the bursar for the binding fee.