2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Writing Center

Room 1.68, New Building



The Writing Center provides tutoring, writing consultation, and ESL support services to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College. Trained tutors work with students on conceptual and sentence level skills, rules of grammar and style. The Center emphasizes formulating a thesis, organizing and developing ideas, documenting American Psychological Association (APA) style, documenting Modern Language Association (MLA) style, evaluating evidence and revising a paper, and writing specific to the disciplines. State-of-the-art computers, grammar/writing software and a small specialized library of books on writing are available. Students may be referred to the Center by members of the faculty or arrange tutoring sessions themselves. Throughout the year, the Writing Center offers numerous writing-oriented workshops, some specific to writing in the individual disciplines, as well as intensive CUNY Assessment Test in Writing (CATW) preparation. All are conducted by faculty and staff and are open to all students.

The Writing Center's ESL specialists provide one-on-one and group tutoring for students who learned English as a second language. The E-Resource Center (http://jjc.jjay.cuny.edu/erc/) has online tutorials for writing, grammar, and preparing for the CUNY Assessment Tests in Reading and Writing. For more information on support services for students who learned English as a second language, visit http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/esl-support-services.