2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

CHE 315 Biochemistry

6 hours: 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory 

This course provides a fundamental and detailed introduction to modern biochemistry. Lecture topics include amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, classical bioenergetics and metabolism. Emphasis is placed on contemporary applications of protein and nucleic acid biochemistry. Forensic applications of and special topics in biochemistry are integrated with the course material. Modern laboratory procedures in biochemistry, including biomolecular purification, analysis, and spectroscopic thermodynamic and kinetic techniques are introduced. Current methods of graphical presentation and mathematical analysis of experimental data are applied.




ENG 201, BIO 104, CHE 202, PHY 204 OR PHY 102, and MAT 241


This course has a $35.00 material fee.