2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin ► Federal, State, and University Regulations ► Charter of the John Jay Student Government ► Article III: Organization ► Section 7–Composition and Responsibility of the Student Council Committees
These rules shall be strictly adhered to during Student Council deliberations unless the president of the Student Council secures permission of the Student Council that they be waived in whole or part. If the Steering Committee, for whatever reason, falls short of quorum at a meeting to formulate the agenda for a regular meeting, the president shall establish the agenda.
After the members of the Student Council shall have been sworn in, a regular schedule of monthly Steering Committee meetings shall be established. These meetings shall precede the regular monthly meetings of the Student Council by at least three business days. They shall be held at times convenient to the executive officers and chairpersons of the Student Council’s permanent committees. An executive officer or chairperson with more than two unexcused absences will result in an automatic suspension from Student Council.
The president may call special meetings of the Steering Committee, provided that due notice be given to all of the members of the Student Council.
The permanent Committee on Student Representation shall monitor the attendance of students on the College Council Committees and college-wide decision-making bodies, and shall nominate students to fill vacancies as they occur. The Committee shall also require student members on college-wide decision-making bodies to report monthly, in writing, on their work, and to appear before the Student Council to explain their actions. The Committee may make recommendations to the student members of college-wide decision-making bodies, provided that it is always understood that such students remain free to make their own judgments. The Committee may also request that the Student Council take advisory positions on questions before college-wide decision-making bodies, or that the student body be polled on such matters. The permanent Committee on Student Representation shall consist of the vice president, who shall chair, and a minimum of four other members of the Student Council.
Article III: Organization