2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

Second Chance Policy

John Jay College of Criminal Justice recognizes a student’s progress toward an undergraduate degree may often be interrupted for a variety of reasons. This Second Chance Policy applies to former John Jay students and allows individuals in the following situations to request permission to be readmitted to the College and begin with a new grade point average.

CUNY Justice Academy students, please skip to the section below about how this policy applies to you!

After a minimum absence of at least two (2) consecutive years, matriculated students who have been dismissed for academic reasons (other than academic dishonesty), or who have voluntarily “stopped-out” on academic probation, may seek readmission to John Jay College through this policy. Students whose cumulative GPA does not meet John Jay College’s good academic standard and who earned no more than forty-five (45) credits during their initial enrollment at the College may be permitted to readmit under this policy and have none of their previous John Jay College coursework counted toward the computation of their cumulative reentry GPA.

Students will be screened for eligibility for the Second Chance Policy when they apply for readmission (the form to file for Readmission can be found on the J Stop webpage). Students who meet the criteria for the Second Chance Policy will be provided with a Second Chance application along with their readmission decision. Second Chance applicants will be required to present a thoughtful educational plan that includes academic and career goals, strategies for achieving them, and evidence of personal growth and change since their previous enrollment at John Jay. The plan may also include evidence of preparedness to succeed such as documentation of learning through previous or current work experience and/or community service or transcript(s) of college-level courses completed at other accredited institutions. The College Readmission Committee will assess the student’s circumstances and plan in order to make a final decision on their Second Chance application. Please note that after the conclusion of the readmission process, students may not apply for Second Chance retroactively.

Upon reentry under this policy, all previously earned grades will be removed from the calculation of the student’s GPA index but will continue to remain visible on the transcript along with a notation indicating the student’s readmission date. Additional terms and conditions of this policy include: 

  • Academic Status: The student is subject to all existing academic policies and practices at the time of readmission.
  • Advisement: The student may not register for classes until the student meets with an academic advisor to select an appropriate course load and schedule.
  • GPA: The student’s GPA will be recalculated using only grades earned from the point of their readmission to John Jay College. All previous coursework and grades will continue to remain visible on the student’s transcript along with a notation indicating their readmission date under the policy.
  • Graduation: The student must earn at least thirty (30) credits in residence at John Jay College after being readmitted under this policy and meet all other graduation requirements.
  • Other Requirements: The student must complete all current, published College-wide and program-specific matriculation requirements in effect at the time of their readmission under this policy.
  • Usage: This policy may be implemented only once during the student’s academic career at John Jay College.

Second Chance Policy as applied to CUNY Justice Academy Students: CJA Academic Forgiveness

Students who complete a CUNY Justice Academy associate’s degree program after being dismissed or placed on probation at John Jay College do not go through the readmission process described above. Instead, academic forgiveness will be applied during the Justice Academy intake process by the Office of the Registrar. Such students who complete a CUNY Justice Academy associate’s degree program, including at least 30 credits at the community college, may return to John Jay to begin their second career with a GPA of 0.00.