2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

Auditing Courses

Senior citizens satisfying the New York State residency requirements, who are 60 years of age or older (as of the first day of the semester or session), and meet course qualifications are permitted to audit up to two (2) undergraduate courses at the College per semester/session on a space-available basis, without tuition charge. However, a $80 administrative fee per semester/session applies. Students who qualify based on this criteria are allowed to begin registering the week before the first day of classes up until the last day to add a course.

To apply as a senior citizen auditor, please complete the Non-Degree Senior Auditor Application (which can be found at http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/apply-non-john-jay-degree-student). A completed application must be submitted to the Office of Admissions for each semester or session for which one plans to audit by the established deadline. The $65 application fee is not required; however, Senior Citizen Auditors are charged an $80 administrative fee per semester/session, the consolidated services fee, as well as any usage and/or penalty fees they may incur (e.g., late registration, payment reprocessing fees, library fines, etc.).

To audit a course, senior citizens are required to submit proof of age and the College is required to retain a copy of at least one of the proofs listed below or have a signed statement by a College official attesting that the proof was examined and the student satisfied the age requirement. The following forms of proof of age are acceptable: Medicaid Card, Driver’s License, Non-Driver's ID, IDNYC, or Birth Certificate.

Senior citizen auditors who wish to take courses must meet all of the course prerequisites and/or qualify by taking a placement exam where available. If an auditing student does not meet the prerequisite for a course, they may request a waiver from the professor. The Modern Language Center (7.64 NB, 212-284-1140, languagelab@jjay.cuny.edu) provides placement exams in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.

Auditing students should identify themselves to their professors. Professors and auditing students will then discuss class expectations at the beginning of the semester, including the amount of student participation, assignments and other activities. The auditing student is assigned a grade of AUD, which will appear on their permanent record at the College. The course, however, will have no credit attached to it and will not count toward any degree/certificate program offered by The City University of New York.