2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

AFR 252 Race and Science

3 hours

This course will examine the relations of the social and biological constructions of race, via a survey of the historical literature and the main biological concepts. The course will use readings and discussions to look at 20th and 21st Century developments of the concept of ‘race’ and how that concept is used in the ‘sciences’. It will also employ hands-on experimentation to expand on students understanding of the scientific method. Students will learn about genetics theory and genetic variation in human populations. The course will include an in depth discussion of the current state of race in the sciences, the impact of racial categorizations on human health, scientific research and forensics; and possible futures for the concept of race in the sciences.




ENG 101; and SCI 110 or SCI 112 or SCI 114 or NSC 107 (or any STEM Variant science course of at least three credits such as BIO 102, BIO 103, BIO 104, CHE 102, CHE 103, CHE 104)


This course satisfies the Flexible Core: Scientific World area of the Gen Ed Program.