2020-2021 Graduate Bulletin

Master of Public Administration: Public Policy and Administration

Program Director: Professor Yi Lu

The MPA-PPA program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice equips future public servants with the knowledge, skills, and leadership experiences necessary for the advancement of integrity, accountability, inclusiveness, and justice in society and governance. The program celebrates the diversity of our students, including those underrepresented in the leadership of public service.

Specializations in the program are offered in the following fields:

  • Criminal Justice Policy and Administration
  • Emergency Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Law and Public Management
  • Management and Operation
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Urban Affairs

This program may also be completed fully online.

Degree Requirements

Students enrolled in the Master of Public Administration Program in Public Policy and Administration are required to complete 42 course credits. Students are also required to pass the MPA qualifying examination (MPAQE), which is administered as a part of PAD 700. Complete information about the MPAQE is found at the John Jay College website http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/mpa-qualifying-exam-student-guide.

Students are advised to complete PAD 700 and the three other core foundation courses: PAD 702, PAD 705 and PAD 715, within the first 15 credits of matriculation. Failure to complete program requirements or admission conditions on a timely basis may result in a student not being permitted to register for future classes without the explicit permission of the program director.

Additional information. Students, who enroll for the first time at the College in September 2011 or thereafter, must complete the program in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date and have consistently maintained matriculation, may choose the form shown here or the version of the program in place at their time of enrollment.

Required Courses

PAD 700Public Administration


PAD 702Human Resources Management


PAD 704Economics for Public Administrators


PAD 705Organization Theory and Management


PAD 739Policy Analysis


PAD 743Public Sector Financial Management


PAD 771Capstone Seminar


Total Credit Hours:21

PAD 704: Students who have completed three courses in economics with a grade of B or better at the undergraduate level may request a waiver of PAD 704 from the program advisor or director. If granted, the student must replace the waived course by taking a 3-credit PAD course.

Research Methods and Quantitative Skills

The student must complete a course from each of the following two categories:

Research Methods

PAD 715Research Methods in Public Administration


Quantitative Methods and Information Management

Select one of the following courses:

PAD 713Management of Information Technology


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 747/CRJ 747Computer Applications in Public Policy and Management


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


Total Credit Hours:6

PAD 713, PAD 747, PAD 770: There is no prerequisite for PAD 747 or PAD 713. However, computer skills and experience are assumed for both these courses. Students who need additional computer skills will be directed by the program director to other places in the College where skills may be obtained. PAD 715 is a prerequisite for PAD 745 and PAD 770. Students with 12 undergraduate credits in computer courses may request a waiver of the Quantitative Methods and Information Management requirement. If granted, the student must replace the waived course by taking a 3-credit PAD course. A student may not use a course completed to fulfill this section to satisfy requirements in specialization and elective courses.


A three-course specialization is required. Students should declare a specialization upon the completion of 12 credits. Except where otherwise noted, students must complete a specialization by completing three courses designated for the specialization including each course designated as required. PAD 780 (Internship), PAD 755/CRJ 755 (Writing for Management), and a PAD 800-level course can also be used to complete any specialization, but may not substitute for a course required for the specialization.

Dual specializations are permissible if the student has fulfilled the requirements of both specializations. One course can count as an elective for two specializations with approval from the program director.

A course cannot be used to satisfy both a core course requirement and a specialization requirement.

Total Credit Hours:9


Criminal Justice Policy and Administration

This specialization prepares students for responsibilities involving policy making and administration in criminal justice agencies. Additional materials on the specialization are available from the specialization coordinator.

Required Courses
PAD 719Delivery Systems in Justice and Urban Services Systems


PAD 730Policy Analysis in Criminal Justice


PAD 730: PAD 715 or CRJ 715 is a prerequisite.

CRJ 704Probation and Parole: Theory and Practice


CRJ 728Critical Issues in Corrections


CRJ 736Seminar in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties


CRJ 741An Economic Analysis of Crime


PAD 750Security of Information Technology


CRJ 757Police and the Community


CRJ 761Youth Crime and Delinquency Control


PMT 711Introduction to Emergency Management


PMT 781Risk Analysis and Loss Prevention


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 758Ethics, Integrity and Accountability


PAD 760Court Administration


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


Two additional courses are to be selected from the above list or from any of the specialization courses in the MPA in Public Policy and Administration Program, the MPA in Inspection and Oversight Program, or from any of the courses listed under specializations in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Program.

Emergency Management

This specialization prepares students for careers in emergency management. The concentration is designed to emphasize technology and business continuity planning, building design issues and terrorism. The concentration has three required courses.

Required Courses
PMT 711Introduction to Emergency Management


PMT 760Emergency Management: Mitigation and Recovery


PMT 763Emergency Management: Preparedness


PMT 703Analysis of Building and Fire Codes


PMT 712Theory and Design of Fire Protection Systems


PMT 751Contemporary Fire Protection Issues


PMT 761Technology in Emergency Management


PMT 762Business Continuity Planning


PMT 781Risk Analysis and Loss Prevention


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 748Project Management


PAD 758Ethics, Integrity and Accountability


Human Resources Management

This specialization prepares students to assume supervisory and administrative responsibilities involving personnel management. The specialization has two required courses.

Required Courses
PAD 703Techniques and Tools of Human Resources Administration


PAD 707Managing People: A Human Resources Perspective


PAD 708Human Resources and Labor in the Public Sector


PAD 710The Ethical and Legal Environment of Public Employment


PAD 723Assessments, Audits and Investigations in Human Resources


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


Law and Public Management

Students enrolled in the MPA program in Public Policy and Administration may complete the Law and Public Management specialization by completing three courses at the CUNY Law School. Students should contact the specialization advisor for guidance and assistance.

Students may also complete this specialization while attending law school. Students must apply to, and be accepted at, law school while enrolled in the MPA Program in Public Policy and Administration, and complete their specialization while attending law school. Subject to the approval of the program director, 9 credits of law courses concerning legal research, civil and criminal procedure, and public institutions and the law, may be transferred for credit. Students must also pass the MPA Qualifying Examination and the Capstone Course and fulfill remaining requirements for the MPA degree. Students who have completed coursework in law school prior to enrollment in the MPA Program in Public Policy and Administration may apply to the program director to transfer up to 12 credits from law school toward this concentration.

Courses in this specialization may be taken at CUNY Law School at Queens College, The City University of New York, or at other law schools offering comparable courses.

Management and Operations

This concentration prepares students to assume supervisory and managerial responsibilities in operational services. Additional materials for this specialization are available from the specialization coordinator.

Required Courses
PAD 712Management Systems and Techniques in the Public Sector


PAD 714Organizational Performance Assessment


PAD 713Management of Information Technology


PAD 716Cases in Productive Public Management


PAD 718International Public Policy and Administration


PAD 719Delivery Systems in Justice and Urban Services Systems


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 746Comparative Public Administration


PAD 748Project Management


PAD 758Ethics, Integrity and Accountability


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


Public Policy Analysis

This specialization provides students with the opportunity to develop their skills in policy analysis and evaluation by examining analytical techniques, substantive policy issues and their impacts.

Required Courses
PAD 756Tools and Techniques of Policy Analysis


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 718International Public Policy and Administration


PAD 730Policy Analysis in Criminal Justice


PAD 740Public Sector Inspection and Oversight


PAD 747/CRJ 747Computer Applications in Public Policy and Management


PAD 756Tools and Techniques of Policy Analysis


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


PMT 715Analytical Methods in Protection Management


CRJ 741An Economic Analysis of Crime


CRJU 88100Criminology and Public Policy

CRJU 84100Advanced Policy Analysis

CRJU 88100, CRJU 84100: Requires Permission of the CUNY PhD Program in Criminal Justice.

Urban Affairs

The three courses in this specialization are taken at the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College, City University of New York. Courses should be selected in consultation with the specialization advisor. The Urban Affairs courses at Hunter College cover topics such as urban development, social and economic analysis and problem solving in urban and community settings.

Free Electives

Students must select two elective courses from any MPA offering.
Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 42