2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin

Extraordinary Circumstances

In truly exceptional circumstances a grade change may be authorized by someone other than the faculty member who taught the course. If either the departmental or college-wide grade appeal committee determines that truly exceptional circumstances are involved, the chair of the respective committee shall forward the information and related documents to the chair of the academic department that owns the course. The chair of the department, in consultation with the department grade appeals committee, shall review the case and if the department chair together with the grade appeals committee determines that a grade change is necessary and appropriate, it shall render its decision and change the student’s grade by the process and deadline established for the faculty member above.

Such grade changes are expected to be rare. No change in grade may be authorized except by the faculty member teaching the course or by the department chair in consultation with the department grade appeals committee. Each fall, a report will be furnished to the Academic Standards Subcommittee of UCASC as to the number of grade changes made through this process during the previous academic year.