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Notice of Access to Campus Crime Statistics, the Campus Security Report, and Information on Registered Sex Offenders

The College Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education, as well as the annual campus security report. The campus security report includes: (1) the campus crime statistics for the most recent calendar year and the two preceding calendar years; (2) campus policies regarding procedures and facilities to report criminal actions or other emergencies on campus; (3) policies concerning the security of and access to campus facilities; (4) policies on campus law enforcement; (5) a description of campus programs to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices, and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others; (6) campus crime prevention programs; (7) policy concerning the monitoring through the police of criminal activity at off-campus locations of student organizations officially recognized by the College; (8) policies on illegal drugs, alcohol and underage drinking; (9) where information provided by the state on registered sex offenders may be obtained (also, see below); and (10) policies to be followed when a sex offense occurs. This information is maintained pursuant to the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

The campus crime statistics and the Annual Campus Security Report are available at the reference desk of the library and the college website at:

If you wish to be mailed copies of the campus crime statistics and the Annual Campus Security Report, you should contact Isabelle Curro, Deputy Director of Public Safety at 212.237.8524 and copies will be mailed to you within 10 days. The U.S. Department of Education’s website address for campus crime statistics is: (then input the name of the school).

For additional information or to obtain the crime statistics report form, please contact Ryan Esuatce, the Cery Compliance Officer, at or at 212.237.8521.

Information on Registered Sex Offenders

In accordance with the federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, registered sex offenders are now required to register the name and address of any college at which he or she is a student or employee. The New York State Division of Criminal Justice maintains a registry of convicted sex offenders and informs the College’s chief security (public safety) officer of the presence on campus of a registered sex offender as a student or employee. You may contact the College’s chief security officer Isabelle Curro, Deputy Director of Public Safety, 212.237.8524, to obtain information about Level 2 or Level 3 registered sex offenders on campus. To obtain information about Level 3 offenders, you may contact the Division’s registry website at: and then click on Search for “Level 3 Sex Offenders” or access the directory at the College’s public safety department or police department, the local police precinct in which the offender resides or attends college, or the Division’s sex offender registry at 800.262.3257