2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin

Law Minor

Description. The law minor provides a thorough introduction to the legal system including lawmaking, litigation, basic legal research and legal interpretation and analysis.  Students are encouraged to “think as lawyers do” in fact finding, analyzing and devising solutions to legal issues and in resolution of conflicts.  Emphasis is placed on the ethical and practical considerations that influence the work of lawyers, prosecutors, judges and legislators, and on issues of constitutional law and criminal procedure.   In addition, students will be introduced to the study of the theory and philosophy of law and the relationship between law and society. Issues to which special attention will be paid include the limits of law and the disobedience thereof, the nature of the judicial process, and the relations between law and personal morality and a comprehensive analysis of the rules of evidence. 

Rationale. The Minor in Law affords the students with the understanding of the basic concepts of the legal procedures in the American Criminal Justice System. The courses are designed to help the students understand the foundations of the decision makers within the system, from the legislators, through law enforcement agencies, including the police, the courts, corrections, probation and parole agencies. The required courses are organized in a manner that will enable students to analyze and evaluate the constitutional relationship between the individual and government at the federal, state and local levels, with special attention to problems of law enforcement in the United States. 

Learning Outcomes.  Students will:

Begin to use the language of law and be able to describe the operations of the legal system. Show a basic understanding of legal analysis, constitutional interpretation and conflict resolution. Discuss and analyze the ethical, practical and theoretical challenges, and limits of that underpin the American legal system. Discuss and describe the legal aspects and work of law enforcement organizations, the defense bar, lawmakers and the judiciary. Do basic research and advocacy and formulate, dissect and construct arguments.

Credits. 18

Minor coordinator. Professor Christopher Morse, Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration (212.237.8408, cmorse@jjay.cuny.edu)

Requirements. To receive a minor in Law, students must complete 18 credits of law courses. Four courses are required and students choose one elective.  All courses must have the course designation, "LAW" (or be cross-listed with LAW).  
A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minor or program.

Part One. Required Courses

LAW 202Law and Evidence


LAW 203Constitutional Law


LAW 209Criminal Law


LAW 301Jurisprudence


LAW 401Problems of Constitutional Development


Subtotal: 15

Part Two. Elective

Select One

LAW 204Criminal Law of New York


LAW 206The American Judiciary


LAW 212The Criminal Process and the Criminal Procedure Law


LAW 213/COM 213The Impact of the Mass Media on the Administration of Justice


LAW 245Immigration Law


LAW 259/POL 259Comparative Criminal Justice Systems


LAW 264/ACC 264Business Law


LAW 310/PHI 310Ethics and Law


LAW 313/POL 313The Law and Politics of Race Relations


LAW 320Seminar in the Law of Search and Seizure


LAW 340Employment Discrimination Law, Affirmative Action and Police Organization


LAW 350Introduction to Legal Research


LAW 370/PSY 370Psychology and the Law


LAW 389Independent Study 300-level


LAW 420/PAD 420Contemporary Administration and the Judiciary


Subtotal: 3

Total Credit Hours: 18