2022-2023 Graduate Bulletin

Section 2–Procedure for Electing Class Representatives

  1. General elections shall be under the direct supervision and control of the Judicial Board and the Office of Student Life, and shall be conducted in conformance to the provisions of this Charter, in a fair, open and honest manner. The Student Election Review Committee will assume all the responsibilities of Judicial Board for regular elections in the event Judicial Board is inactive or positions are vacant. No election guidelines or procedures drawn up by the Judicial Board shall go into operation until the Student Election Review Committee or the Dean of Students has approved them.
  2. The period of holding elections for all class representatives shall be during the two or three weeks prior to the spring recess. The exact date and times of the spring elections shall be determined and announced by the Judicial Board or the Dean of Students no later than the end of November.
  3. A newly-elected member of the Student Council shall begin his or her term at midnight on June 1 and complete it, if not removed, at midnight on May 31 of the following year.
  4. All nominating petitions shall be turned into the Office of Student Life for entry, and then reviewed and verified by the Judicial Board in consultation with the Dean of Students. All currently-enrolled students who qualify as candidates shall be so informed by the Judicial Board no later than four weeks prior to the beginning of the election period.
  5. The guidelines and procedures governing regular Student Government elections shall be established and announced by the Judicial Board or the Student Election Review Committee in the absence of Judicial Board approximately six weeks before the date of elections. The Judicial Board shall secure the cooperation of the Dean of Students and any other staff in the carrying out of elections. It may also employ an independent ballot association to supervise the counting of the ballots.
  6. The Judicial Board shall be responsible for informing the student body of the identities of candidates for positions within the Student Government. Student Government funds shall not be utilized to finance campaigns. Such use of funds shall disqualify such candidates.
  7. The Judicial Board and the Office of Student Life shall determine the design of the ballot and the nature of the information that candidates may chocose to have placed on the ballot.
  8. Special elections for the Student Council, as well as any referenda that the Student Council may authorize, will be under the direct supervision of the Office of Student Life, or the advisor(s) of the Student Council, or a member of the Judicial Board, and/or a member of the Student Election Review Committee. All vacant and unfilled positions can be filled by a majority vote of Student Council.