2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin


The academic records of students who fail to meet the minimum retention standards are reviewed each year by the Academic Review Committee, which determines whether there has been satisfactory progress toward meeting required standards. Students who, in the judgment of the committee, have not made adequate progress are dismissed from the College. Upon dismissal, a student may not enroll at John Jay College for at least one year. There is no presumption that students will be readmitted after one year.

Students who receive three Fs, FINs, WUs, Rs or WNs, or any combination thereof in remedial or developmental courses are not permitted to continue at the College. (For a list of these courses, see the Remedial and Developmental Courses section of this chapter.) Students may not appeal the denial of registration. Students may apply for readmission after completing the equivalent remedial or developmental course at a community college.

Note: As of Fall 2021, the grade of WU is not a failing grade and will no longer apply in this policy