2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin

Sociology, Bachelor of Arts

The major in Sociology will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of sociological theories and methodologies, as well as the research and analytical skills they need to work in and contribute to today’s globally interconnected world. The major focuses on the globalized nature of our society and the intensification of inequalities and related demands for social justice. It harnesses the discipline of sociology’s ability to put such social problems in their societal context for the purposes of understanding them and contributing to their resolution. Sociology at John Jay builds students’ knowledge of theoretical explanations of the relationship between people and their society, fosters the skills necessary to research, analyze, and communicate information about social problems, and cultivates values of empathy and understanding towards diverse groups and unequal conditions. The major also prepares those students interested in additional study for graduate programs (MA or Ph.D.) in Sociology, the growing fields of Global Studies, Urban Planning, Urban Studies, other associated social science disciplines, and law school.

Learning Outcomes. Students will:

  • Demonstrate a sociological imagination, i.e., the ability to see connections between local, personal experiences and larger global, societal forces, and between individual troubles and pervasive social problems, in a global context.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how inequalities based on perceptions of social difference (e.g. racial, class, gender, ability) have been created, maintained, and challenged over time and across place.
  • Be able to test the veracity of research hypotheses and be able to formulate basic research questions to guide studies of societal behavior, processes, and institutions by using sociological methods of collecting evidence.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with written works of classic and contemporary sociological theories that explain why people think and act as they do.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of sociological concepts through writing, explanatory, and presentational skills.


Credits Required.

Sociology Major 36-39
General Education 42
Electives 39-42
Total Credits Required for B.A. Degree 120


Coordinator. Professor Louis Kontos, Fall 2023 (lkontos@jjay.cuny.edu) and Jayne Mooney, Spring 2024 (jmooney@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of Sociology 

Advising information.  Department of Sociology Advising (socadvising@jjay.cuny.edu)
Sociology Department Advising Guide    
Sociology Major Advising Resources. Major Checklist (prior to Fall 2017).  
Major Checklist (Fall 2017 to present)

CUNY Gateway Courses: SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology; SOC 201 Urban Sociology; SOC 202 Sociology of Families; SOC 213 Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations; SOC 215 Women and Social Control in the U.S.; SOC 232 Social Stratification

Experiential Learning Opportunities. Students in the Sociology major can participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities, primarily in the later parts of their studies. In their junior and senior years, students can typically engage in an internship or practicum experience related to a career area of their choice through our Internships for Sociology courses (SOC 377) and/or our unique Faculty Mentored Research Experience in Sociology course (SOC 387). Students also take Research Methods in Sociology and Criminology (SSC 325) and have the option to take Qualitative Research Methods (SOC 328), both of which require students to conduct original research in a field setting. During the senior year, students participate in an extensive research experience associated with the capstone seminar, culminating in a research paper or proposal.  In recent years, students have participated in field research studying food justice organizations and collaborated in research with faculty leading to a publication in the Asian Journal of Criminology, among many other activities.

Additional Information:  Students who enrolled for the first time at the College or changed to this major in September 2022 or thereafter must complete the major in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose the form shown here or the earlier version of the major. A copy of the earlier version may be obtained in the 2021-22 Undergraduate Bulletin.

Foundational Courses

Required depending on math placement
MAT 108Social Science Math



MAT 141Pre-Calculus


Advisor’s recommendation: MAT 108 or MAT 141 may be used to fulfill the Required Core: Math and Quantitative Reasoning area of the General Education Program depending on students' math placement.

Subtotal: 0-3

Part One. Core Courses

SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


SOC 232Social Stratification


SOC 312Classical Sociological Theories


SOC 315Contemporary Sociological Theories


SOC 415Senior Seminar in Sociology


Subtotal: 15

Part Two. Research Methods

STA 250Principles and Methods of Statistics


SSC 325Research Methods in Criminology and Sociology


Select one
SOC 324Advanced Social Statistics


SOC 327Advanced Sociological Methodology


SOC 328Qualitative Research Methods


SOC 329Evaluation Research


GEN 350Feminist and Critical Methodologies


Subtotal: 9

Part Three. Sociology Electives

Complete four courses – one of which must be at the 300 level or higher
SOC 201Urban Sociology: The Study of City Life


SOC 202Sociology of Families


SOC 206The Sociology of Conflict and Dispute Resolution


SOC 209Sociology of Work and Jobs


SOC 213Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations


SOC 215Women and Social Control in the U.S.


SOC 222Crime, Media and Public Opinion


SOC 227Sociology of Mental Illness


SOC 240Deviance and Conformity


SOC 243Sociology of Sexualities


SOC 251Sociology of Human Rights


SOC 252Environmental Sociology


SOC 253Sociology of Global Migration


SOC 275Political Imprisonment


SOC 278/POL 278Political Sociology


SOC 302Social Problems


SOC 305The Sociology of Law


SOC 308The Sociology of Violence


SOC 310/ANT 310/PSY 310Culture and Personality


SOC 343Global Social Movements


SOC 346Sport in Global Perspective


SOC 348Abolition: From Slavery to Supermax


SOC 350Social Change


SOC 354Gangs and Transnationalism


SOC 360/ECO 360Corporate and White-Collar Crime


SOC 377Internships for Sociology


SOC 386Selected Topics in Sociology


SOC 387Faculty Mentored Research Experience in Sociology


SOC 420/CRJ 420Women and Crime


Subtotal: 12

Total Credit Hours: 36-39