2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin

2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin

Grad Cover 2024-2025

This Bulletin is neither a contract nor an offer to contract between the College and any person or party; thus the College reserves the right to make additions, deletions, and modifications to curricula, course descriptions, degree requirements, academic policies, schedules and academic calendars, financial aid policies, and tuition and fees without notice. All changes take precedence over Bulletin statements.

While reasonable effort will be made to publicize changes, students are encouraged to seek current information from appropriate offices because it is the responsibility of the student to know and observe all applicable regulations and procedures. No regulation will be waived or exception granted because students plead ignorance of, or contend that they were not informed of, the regulations or procedures.

The College reserves the right to effect changes without notice or obligation including the right to discontinue a course or group of courses or a degree program. Although the College attempts to accommodate the course requests of students, course offerings may be limited by financial, space, and staffing considerations or may otherwise be unavailable. Students are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment with their advisor at least once each semester, preferably before registering for the upcoming term.