2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Academic Advisement

Students are encouraged to consult regularly with members of the faculty regarding course and program requirements, academic progress, and plans for study in graduate and professional schools. In addition, the College provides the following advisement services.

Academic Advisement Center

Room L.73, New Building
646.557.4816 or 646.557.4872

The Academic Advisement Center provides services for the following undergraduate populations, with a focus on general education requirements:

  • Freshmen (students who have 0-29 credits)
  • Continuing students who need advising regarding general education requirements
  • New transfer students
  • Readmitted students
  • Students on academic probation
  • Uniformed members of services (NYPD, FDNY and DOC)
  • Veterans
  • Major advising for Criminal Justice BS


The staff in the Academic Advisement Center help students:

  • Adjust to university life
  • Clarify their academic and career goals in relation to their life expectations
  • Select appropriate courses
  • Interpret institutional policies, procedures and requirements
  • Increase their awareness of educational opportunities
  • Find campus resources that offer helpful support

Health Professions Advisor

Edgardo Sanabria-Valentín, Ph.D.
Room 5.61.00, New Building

Students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions - medicine (MD and DO), dentistry, optometry, podiatry or veterinary medicine, among others - are able to fulfill the necessary academic requirements at John Jay. Anyone considering these careers should consult with the health professions advisor at least once a semester, every semester. The advisor will assist these students in planning their academic programs and taking advantage of the resources available through John Jay to achieve their goals. Most health professional schools require all applicants to have a fundamental knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics and to have taken college-level courses on these topics. It is strongly advised that students begin science preparation in the freshman year with BIO 103 – BIO 104, CHE 103–CHE 104, and MAT 241–MAT 242. These subjects are also part of the standardized tests that applicants take for admission to health professional schools. Because test results, applications and letters of recommendation/evaluation are usually forwarded to schools a year before candidates intend to begin their medical or health profession education, students applying to these programs must meet with the health professions advisor regularly to coordinate this process. Appointments can be set up via e-mail.

Interdisciplinary Studies Program

Room 6.65, New Building

The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies provides advisement for students enrolled in Interdisciplinary Studies Program.

Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program

Room 432, Haaren Hall

Mission statement: 

The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Department aspires to promote, maintain and graduate individuals who strive to further their education and professional success with in a social justice framework. We are committed to elevating, cultivating and empowering such individuals by way of academic support, financial aid. Counseling and teaching to produce life-long learners and advocates of positive social change. 

Students accepted to the SEEK Department either as freshmen or transfer students are assigned to a SEEK counselor in their first semester. All students in the SEEK Program may schedule counseling appointments with the SEEK Department.