2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

SOC 366 Drugs in U.S. Society

3 hours

This course explores the social problem of the abuse of alcohol and other types of psychoactive drugs in U. S. Society, including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. It examines the causes and effects of substance abuse as well as strategies designed to discourage experimentation, recreational use, and addiction. The social context of drug legislation and ongoing issues of inequality and injustice are investigated, such as the criminalization of possession, the disparate impact of laws and suppression policies embodied in the “War on Drugs,” and unequal access to prevention and treatment programs.




ENG 201 and SOC 101


This course satisfies the John Jay College Option: Justice Core II (300-level): Struggles for Justice and Equality in the U.S. area of the Gen Ed Program.