2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

General Education Requirements

John Jay College's general education requirements are part of CUNY's Pathways initiative.

PART I. REQUIRED CORE; 4 courses/12 credits

The Required Core comprises four courses: two in English Composition, one in Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning, and one in Life and Physical Sciences.

A. English Composition

ENG 101Composition I


ENG 201Composition II


ENG 101 is a prerequisite for all 200-level courses. ENG 201 is a prerequisite for all 300- and 400-level courses. Students must enroll in ENG 101 in their first semester at the College. All students must pass ENG 101 before registering for ENG 201.

B. Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one
MAT 105College Algebra


MAT 106Liberal Arts Math


MAT 108Social Science Math


MAT 141Pre-Calculus


MAT 151Calculus I


MAT 152Calculus II


MAT 301Probability & Mathematical Statistics I


Placement in a mathematics course is determined by students’ high school preparation.

C. Life and Physical Science

Choose one
SCI 110Origins: From the Big Bang to Life on Earth


SCI 112Environmental Science: A Focus on Sustainability


SCI 114Scientific Principles of Forensic Science


STEM Variant courses may also be used to satisfy the Life and Physical Science area of the Required Core.

PART II. FLEXIBLE CORE; 6 Courses/18 credits

Select at least one course from each category.

At least two Flexible Core courses must be at the 200 level.

Transfer students who enter John Jay College with two or more Flexible Core courses unfulfilled must complete at least two Flexible Core courses at the 200 level. Students transferring in five Flexible Core courses are only required to complete one 200-level course. Students who have earned AA or AS degrees are exempt from completing further Common Core requirements and are thus exempt from this rule.

Category A. World Cultures and Global Issues

See list of courses

Students who are not exempt from the Foreign Language requirement and who do not test into a higher level language course must complete two courses in the World Cultures and Global Issues category, one of which must be a foreign language 101 or 111 course.

Category B. U.S. Experience in its Diversity

See list of courses

Category C. Creative Expression

See list of courses

Category D. Individual and Society

See list of courses

Category E. Scientific World

See list of courses

STEM Variant courses may also be used to satisfy the Scientific World category of the Flexible Core.

PART III. JOHN JAY COLLEGE OPTION (2-4 courses/6-12 credits)

A. Justice Core I: Justice and the Individual

Justice Core I: Justice and the Individual  (100 level)

See list of courses

All entering freshmen and transfer students with fewer than 31 credits must complete a First Year Seminar (FYS) course in the first or second semester of study. First Year Seminars are offered in a variety of disciplines. They share learning outcomes to build a strong academic foundation and support a successful transition to college. In the fall semester, First Year Seminars are offered linked with conveniently scheduled sections of ENG 101. Unlinked First Year Seminar sections are available for students who have already completed the ENG 101 requirement

Justice Core I:  Justice and the Individual (200 level)

See list of courses

All transfer students with 31-59 transfer credits must complete a 200 level Justice Core course in the first or second semester of study. 200 level Justice and the Individual courses are offered in a variety of disciplines. They develop students’ inquiry skills in preparation for major coursework,  introduce the college’s justice mission and support effective transitions for sophomore transfer students. Transfer students who complete a 200 level justice core course have also fulfilled either the Learning from the Past or the Communications area of the College Option.

B. Justice Core II: The Struggle for Justice and Equality in the U.S. -or- Justice in Global Perspective

See list of courses

C. Learning from the Past

See list of courses

D. Communications

See list of courses

Note: Students who are not exempt from the Foreign Language Requirement will take their Foreign language 102 course in the Communications category.

Total Credit Hours: 42