2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Treatment of Non-Standard Situations

Readmitted Students

A student not making SAP cannot re-establish eligibility for Title IV program assistance by re-enrolling after a one year or longer period of non re-enrollment. Upon readmission after any period of non re-enrollment, the student’s Title IV progress standing must be reevaluated for SAP under the standard as the record stood at the end of their last term of attendance.

If the student has taken any action during the period of non–re-enrollment that would bring them into compliance with the progress standard (e.g., successfully completing transferable courses at another institution during the period of absence), this should also be factored into the reassessment. If the readmitted student has not taken any such action, or if the action taken is not sufficient to bring the student back into compliance with the progress standard, the student remains on financial aid suspension and must file a successful appeal to re-establish eligibility.

Second Degree Students

Students enrolling for a second baccalaureate or graduate degree shall have their pace of progression status initialized for purposes of satisfactory academic progress measurement by using the number of credits determined to be acceptable toward the degree as both the students’ cumulative attempted credits and cumulative earned credits.

Change of Major

Students who change majors within the same degree or certificate program must complete the degree within the maximum timeframe, unless the institution has allowed for such changes by establishing various time-frames for different programs leading to the degree or by individually re-evaluating the time-frame for these students.

Change of Degree

If a student changes their objective and begins pursuing a different degree or certificate, the institution may make the student subject to the maximum timeframe it establishes for the new objective without regard to time spent pursuing the previous degree or certificate. The institution also has the flexibility to develop a policy that is more restrictive and limits the student to an overall timeframe for the completion of their studies.