2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin ► Majors
Major Advising Resources
Anthropology, Bachelor of Arts
Cell and Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science
Computer Science and Information Security, Bachelor of Science
Criminal Justice (Crime Control and Prevention), Bachelor of Arts
Criminal Justice (Institutional Theory and Practice), Bachelor of Science
Criminal Justice Joint Degrees (CUNY Justice Academy)
Criminal Justice Management, Bachelor of Science
Criminology, Bachelor of Arts
Culture and Deviance Studies, Bachelor of Arts
Economics, Bachelor of Science
Economics Joint Degrees
English, Bachelor of Arts
Fire and Emergency Service, Bachelor of Arts
Fire Science, Bachelor of Science
Forensic Psychology, Bachelor of Arts
Forensic Science, Bachelor of Science
Forensic Science Joint Degrees
Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics, Bachelor of Science
Gender Studies, Bachelor of Arts
Global History, Bachelor of Arts
Humanities and Justice, Bachelor of Arts
International Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts
Latin American and Latina/o Studies, Bachelor of Arts
Law and Society, Bachelor of Arts
Legal Studies, Bachelor of Science
Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts
Police Studies, Bachelor of Science
Political Science, Bachelor of Arts
Public Administration, Bachelor of Science
Security Management, Bachelor of Science
Sociology, Bachelor of Arts
Spanish, Bachelor of Arts