Sociology, Bachelor of Arts
The major in Sociology will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of sociological theories and methodologies, as well as the research and analytical skills they need to work in and contribute to today’s globally interconnected world. The major focuses on the globalized nature of our society and the intensification of inequalities and related demands for social justice. It harnesses the discipline of sociology’s ability to put such social problems in their societal context for the purposes of understanding them and contributing to their resolution. Sociology at John Jay builds students’ knowledge of theoretical explanations of the relationship between people and their society, fosters the skills necessary to research, analyze, and communicate information about social problems, and cultivates values of empathy and understanding towards diverse groups and unequal conditions. The major also prepares those students interested in additional study for graduate programs (MA or Ph.D.) in Sociology, the growing fields of Global Studies, Urban Planning, Urban Studies, other associated social science disciplines, and law school.
Learning Outcomes. Students will:
- Demonstrate through assignments and class discussion a sociological imagination, i.e., the ability to see connections between local, personal experiences and larger global, societal forces, and between individual troubles and pervasive social problems, in a global context.
- Understand through readings and class discussion how the scientific study of society transcends common sense beliefs and conventional wisdom about people’s attitudes and behaviors.
- Test the veracity of research hypotheses and be able to formulate basic research questions to guide studies of societal behavior, processes, and institutions by using qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting evidence.
- Demonstrate familiarity with written works of classic and contemporary sociological theories that explain why people think and act as they do.
- Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of sociological concepts through writing, explanatory, and presentational skills.
Credits required. 36 (or more depending on math placement)
Prerequisites. Depending on math placement, students may need to have MAT 105 and/or MAT 108 (or MAT 141) as prerequisites for the required statistics course, STA 250.
Coordinator. Professor Robert Garot, Department of Sociology (212.237.8680,
Advising resources. Department of Sociology Advising (
Sociology Department Advising Guide
Sample Four-year Plan of Study
CUNY Gateway Courses: SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology; SOC 201 Urban Sociology; SOC 202/PSY 202 The Family: Change, Challenges and Crisis Intervention; SOC 213/PSY 213 Race & Ethnic Relations; SOC 215 Social Control and Gender: Women in America Society; SOC 232 Social Stratification
Additional Information: Students who enrolled for the first time at the College or changed to this major in September 2015 or thereafter must complete the major in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose the form shown here or the earlier version of the major. A copy of the earlier version may be obtained in the 2014-15 Undergraduate Bulletin.
Part One. Core Courses
SOC 101 | Intro to Sociology (was Introductory Sociology) | 3 |
SOC 232 | Social Stratification | 3 |
SOC 312 | Classical Sociological Theory | 3 |
SOC 315 | Contemporary Sociological Theory | 3 |
SOC 415 | Senior Seminar in Sociology | 3 |
Subtotal: 15
Part Two. Research Methods
STA 250 | Principles and Methods of Statistics | 3 |
SSC 325 | Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
Select one course:
SOC 324 | Advanced Social Statistics | 3 |
SOC 327 | Advanced Sociological Methodology | 3 |
SOC 328 | Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
SOC 329 | Evaluation Research | 3 |
Subtotal: 9
Part Three. Areas of Focus
Select one specialization & complete three courses
Specialization A. Global Change
Specialization B. Inequality and Social Justice
Subtotal: 9
Part Four. Sociology Elective
Select one course
Subtotal: 3
Total Credit Hours: 36