2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

ISP 265 Evolution and Its Impact

3 hours 

Evolution is one of mankind’s greatest discoveries; also, one of the most influential and controversial.  This interdisciplinary course will examine the scientific principles on which evolution is founded and impact it has had on the world in which we live.  It will consider evolution as a scientific theory, an intellectual idea and a social movement.  Drawing on texts from across the sciences, social sciences and the arts and humanities, this course will explore evolution’s complex and contentious history and the influence it has had on various aspects of the human thought, action and experience.  It will analyze and consider how a single scientific idea can change an entire species




ENG 101; and SCI 110 or SCI 112 or SCI 114 or NSC 107 or EXE 103 (or any STEM variant of at least 3 credits including: BIO 102, BIO 103, BIO 104, CHE 102, CHE 103, CHE 104)


This course satisfies the John Jay Flexible Core: Scientific World area of the Gen Ed Program.