Cell and Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science
The Cell and Molecular Biology major is an in-depth exploration of the underlying chemistry and molecular biology in living cells. The cell is the basic unit of living things and so it is impossible to understand life without understanding cells. The major begins with the foundational science courses common to any degree in the chemical or life sciences: chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, calculus, and physics, with required laboratory work throughout. Then, students take a required core of more advanced courses: cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology. While completing the biology core, students select five elective courses that suit their interests and future career goals such as microbiology, human physiology, forensic pathology, and the list continues to grow each year. Finally, the major includes an advanced capstone experience which brings all of these courses together in the study of a specific research area in the biomedical sciences. Students in this major are well-prepared for a variety of careers and graduate programs including PhD programs in the life sciences, medical school, and related professional degrees.
Learning Outcomes. Students will:
- Understand the mathematical, chemical, and physical components of living systems
- Describe the basic cellular and molecular processes that underlie living organisms
- Engage the scientific methodology, experimentation, and theory unique to cellular and molecular biology
- Communicate scientific knowledge, experimentation, and ideas effectively in oral and written forms
- Demonstrate advanced and thorough knowledge of at least one specialized sub-discipline of Biology
Admission Requirements. Ideally, candidates for John Jay College science majors will meet the following criteria:
1. At least an 81 CAA (High School Academic Average); AND
2. 3 years of High School Math; AND
3. 3 years of High School Science; AND
4. Have taken High School Chemistry Regents OR High School Chemistry course.
Students who wish to transfer into the Cell and Molecular Biology major must have earned at least 30 credits, have an overall GPA of at least 2.5, and a Math/Science GPA of 2.5 or higher in science major courses to be admitted. In addition, students must have taken Chemistry and Biology courses appropriate to their class standing upon transferring. Students who transfer with less than 30 credits must meet the admissions standards listed above.
Credits Required.
Cell and Molecular Biology Major |
70-72 |
General Education |
42 |
Electives |
Total Credits Required for B.S. Degree |
120 |
Course information. Placement in beginning biology and chemistry courses is determined by students' math preparation AND
majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology.
Note. At least two science courses count as STEM variants to satisfy the Common Core general education requirements. If students are exempt from the foreign language requirement, they can use three additional credits of science towards the Common Core.
Depending on mathematics placement, students may need to take MAT 105 and MAT 141 as prerequisites for the required calculus course, MAT 151 (or formerly MAT 241). Either prerequisite course can satisfy the Required Core: Math and Quantitative Reasoning category of the Gen Ed program.
Coordinator. Professor Jason Rauceo, Fall 2021 (646-557-4893, jrauceo@jjay.cuny.edu).
Advising information. Cell and Molecular Biology Advising Resources (including Sample Four Year Advising Plans)
Honors option. To earn honors in the major, students must have completed BIO 488 Cell and Molecular Biology Capstone Seminar and/or FOS 402 Undergraduate Research Internship with a grade of B+ or higher, completed all requirements for the major and have earned at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA in courses above the 100-level in the major. Credit for courses required as prerequisites for major courses and transfer credits applied to the major will not be calculated into the major cumulative GPA. Students must have also earned at least a 3.2 overall cumulative GPA. This honor will be noted on the student’s transcript.
Experiential learning opportunities. During their senior year students in the Cell and Molecular Biology program can participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities. Students may enroll in the undergraduate research course, FOS 402, and participate in a faculty-sponsored laboratory research project. In addition, students may participate in an extensive research experience associated with the capstone seminar course, BIO 488, which culminates in the presentation of original research at a poster session open to the public. In recent years, students have presented their findings at major undergraduate scientific conferences such as the Annual Biomedical Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) and Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Also, students collaborated in research with faculty leading to a publications in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Forensic Sciences and Public Library of Science (PLoS).
Additional information. Students who enrolled for the first time at the College or changed to this major in Fall 2017 or thereafter must complete the major in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose either the form shown here or the earlier version of the major. A copy of the earlier version may be found in the 2016-17 Undergraduate Bulletin.
Subtotal: 41
RequiredSubtotal: 14
Choose 12-14 credits including at least 1 course with a lab component.
BIO 212 and BIO 356 are lab-only options that may be taken concurrently with or subsequent to their corresponding lecture courses, BIO 211 and BIO 355.
BIO 360, BIO 364, and BIO 413 include laboratory components.
BIO 488 may be taken as an elective only if FOS 402 is taken as the capstone. Consult the major coordinator.
Subtotal: 12-14
Choose one
BIO 488 | Cell and Molecular Biology Capstone Course | 3 |
FOS 402 | Undergraduate Research Internship | 3 |
Note: If
FOS 402 is completed for the capstone, students can take
BIO 488 as an elective. Consult the major coordinator.
Subtotal: 3
Total Credit Hours: 70-72