2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin

Computer Science and Information Security, Dual Admission Program with Borough of Manhattan Community College

As part of the CUNY Justice Academy (CJA), the Computer Science and Information Security AS/BS Dual Admission program allows students to complete an AS in Computer Science and Information Security at Borough of Manhattan Community College and continue in the BS degree program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The major in Computer Science and Information Security offers the computing, quantitative and analytical expertise public and private organizations need to advance the practice of digital forensics and cybersecurity. The program provides the broad background in computing that is needed to thwart the abuse and misuse of computers, data networks, information systems and information infrastructures, in the environment of ever advancing digital technology. The courses in the Computer Science and Information Security major prepare students for direct entry into the profession as well as entry into graduate and professional programs that rely on computing and quantitative methods, especially in areas related to digital forensics and cybersecurity.

Learning Outcomes. Students will:

  • Use and critically evaluate the variety of theoretical approaches that are relevant to Computer Science and Information Security.
  • Use and critically evaluate the variety of practical/hands-on/research approaches that are relevant to Computer Science and Information Security.
  • Analyze the quality of the programs in Computer Science and Information Security.
  • Communicate effectively through integrating theory, research and policy in written reports and presentations.
  • Understand the ethical considerations and statutory requirements computer professionals encounter as care takers of sensitive data and designers and developers of systems that can impact the well-being of individuals and organizations.

Credits Required.

Computer Science & Information Security A.S. - Borough of Manhattan CC  57-60 
 General Education at John Jay (college option)  6
 Major Courses at John Jay 36
 Electives 18-21
 Total Credits Required for B.S. Degree 120 

Professor Kumar Ramansenthil, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (kramansenthil@jjay.cuny.edu)

Advisors. Professors Aftab Ahmad (aahmad@jjay.cuny.edu), Jennifer Holst (jholst@jjay.cuny.edu), Shweta Jain (sjain@jjay.cuny.edu), Hunter Johnson (212.237.8846, hujohnson@jjay.cuny.edu), Muath Obaidat (mobaidat@jjay.cuny.edu) and Matluba Khodjaeva (mkhodjaeva@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Advising Information. Advising Resource Page for CUNY Justice Academy Programs including Sample Four Year Advising Plans. For advisement quesitons, contact cjaadvising@jjay.cuny.edu

Requirements. Students who are part of the CUNY Justice Academy programs need to complete only 40% of their major courses at John Jay in order to graduate, instead of the usual 50% in residency for non-CJA students. All other graduation requirements remain the same.

Foundational Courses

MAT 206 (at BMCC)Pre-Calculus


Depending on mathematics placement, students may need to complete pre-calculus.

Subtotal: 0-3

Part One. Core Computer Science Courses

CSC 111 (at BMCC)Introduction to Programming


CSC 211 (at BMCC)Advanced Programming Techniques


CSC 215 (at BMCC)Fundamentals of Computer Systems


CSCI 360Cryptography and Cryptanalysis


CSC 331 (at BMCC)Data Structures


CSCI 374Programming Languages


CSCI 375Operating Systems


CSCI 377Computer Algorithms


CSCI 379Computer Networking


CSCI 411Computer Security and Forensics


CSCI 412Network Security & Forensics


Subtotal: 33

Part Two. Required Math Courses

CSC 231 (at BMCC)Discrete Structures and Applications to Computer Science


MAT 301 (at BMCC)Analytic Geometry and Calculus I


MAT 301Probability & Mathematical Statistics I


Subtotal: 9

Part Three. Electives

Category A. Computer Science Electives

Select one

CSCI 362Databases and Data Mining


CSCI 376Artificial Intelligence


CSCI 380 Selected Topics in Computer Science


CSCI 385Faculty Mentored Research Experience in Computer Science


CSCI 404Internship in Management Information Systems


Category B. Mathematics Electives

Select one

MAT 302 (at BMCC)Analytic Geometry and Calculus II


MAT 385Faculty Mentored Research Experience in Mathematics


Subtotal: 6

Part Four. Ethics

PHI 216Ethics and Information Technology


Subtotal: 3

Part Five. Capstone Courses

CSCI 400Capstone Experience in Digital Forensics/Cybersecurity I


CSCI 401Capstone Experience in Digital Forensics/Cybersecurity II


Subtotal: 6

Total Credit Hours: 57-60