Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics Dual Admission Program with Queensborough Community College
As part of the CUNY Justice Academy (CJA), the Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics AS/BS Dual Admission Program allows students to complete an AS in Forensic Accounting at Queensborough Community College and continue in the BS degree program in Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.The Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics major provides an interdisciplinary program of study that integrates knowledge of accounting principles and techniques with intellectual tools supplied from social science and other disciplines. The aim is to present a more comprehensive view of fraud that extends beyond the limited framework of any single disciplinary framework. Students will have ample opportunity to choose from among a variety of existing fraud-related courses while being required to learn the essential foundational competencies deemed necessary for entry into the anti-fraud professions.
Learning outcomes. Students will:
- Evaluate symptoms of fraud and conduct fraud risk assessments based on an evaluation of internal control structures.
- Effectively use technologies to locate, access, analyze, interpret and report on data using facts and appropriate statistical techniques.
- Develop an investigative methodology based on the fraud theory and using both inductive and deductive reasoning.
- Demonstrate knowledge of professional rules of conduct and ethical principles.
- Communicate findings of a forensic investigation clearly and accurately, both orally and in writing. This includes learning the opportunities and challenges posed by inter-professional and interdisciplinary communication and how to bridge professional frames of reference to facilitate interpersonal collaboration and communication among lawyers, accountants, law enforcement officers, and investigators. Students will also demonstrate some knowledge of each discipline’s lexicon to aid communication among the various disciplines. Students will participate in an interdisciplinary team to develop a unique and creative pro-active fraud prevention program that incorporates and integrates their knowledge of law, criminology, the criminal justice system, and accounting.
Credits Required.
Accounting for Forensic Accounting A.S. from Queensborough CC |
60 |
General Education at John Jay (college option) |
6 |
Major Courses at John Jay |
24-30 |
Electives |
24-30 |
Total Credits Required for B.S. Degree |
120 |
Coordinator. Professor Patrice Schiano Dial, Department of Public Management (
Advisor. Ms. Yvonne Purdie, Department of Public Management (212.237.8554,
Advising resources. Major Resources Page. CUNY Justice Advising Resources including a Sample Two Year Advising Plan. For CJA Advising contact
Requirements. Students who are part of the CUNY Justice Academy programs need to complete only 40% of their major courses at John Jay in order to graduate, instead of the usual 50% in residency for non-CJA students. All other graduation requirements remain the same.
Part One. Foundations
ECON 101 (at QCC) | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 3 |
| OR | |
ECON 102 (at QCC) | Introduction to Microeconomics | 3 |
| | |
PHIL 130 (at QCC) | Ethics | 3 |
SOCY 101 (at QCC) | Sociology | 3 |
BU 203 (at QCC) | Business Statistics | 3 |
Subtotal: 12
Part Two. Core Accounting Courses
BU 101 (at QCC) | Principles of Accounting | 3 |
BU 111 (at QCC) | Computer Applications in Accounting | 3 |
BU 103 (at QCC) | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
BU 104 (at QCC) | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
ACC 308 | Auditing | 3 |
Subtotal: 15
Part Three. Fraud and Financial Forensic Courses
ACC 265 | Digital Forensics for the Fraud Examiner | 3 |
ACC 307 | Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics I | 3 |
ACC 309 | Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics II | 3 |
ACC 405 | Data Analytics for the Fraud Examiner | 3 |
ACC 410 | Seminar in Forensic Financial Analysis | 3 |
Select one
ECO 360/SOC 360 | Corporate and White-Collar Crime | 3 |
| OR | |
PAD 331 | Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Corruption in Public Organizations | 3 |
Subtotal: 18
Part Four. Electives
Select four courses from the two areas below Category A Liberal Arts Electives and Category B Applied Electives. At least two courses must be from Category A.
Note: Students should meet with their major coordinator/advisor before selecting which electives best meet their educational and career objectives. Students may choose to emphasize breadth (i.e., by choosing electives across different disciplines) or depth (i.e., by choosing a cluster of related courses)
Category A. Liberal Arts Electives
Select 2-3 courses
Category B. Applied Electives
Select 1-2 courses
BU 102 (at QCC) | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
ACC 380 | Selected Topics in Fraud Examination & Financial Forensics | 3 |
| | |
ACC 381 | Accounting Internship | 3 |
ACC 382 | Accounting Internship | 3 |
| OR | |
ACC 383 | Accounting Internship Intensive | 6 |
ACC 384 | Accounting Internship Intensive | 6 |
| | |
CSCI 270/SEC 270 | Security of Computers and Their Data | 3 |
ECO 235 | Finance for Forensic Economics | |
ENG 235 | Writing for Management, Business and Public Administration | 3 |
ENG 253 | Technical Writing in Computer Science, Math, and Science | 3 |
LAW 202 | Law and Evidence | 3 |
LAW 264/ACC 264 | Business Law | 3 |
PAD 343 | Administration of Financial Resources | 3 |
PSC 107 | Introduction to Criminal Investigations | 3 |
Subtotal: 12
Total Credit Hours: 57