2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Criminal Justice Management, Bachelor of Science

Criminal Justice Management is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on the development of leadership, supervision, and analytic skills of students who aspire to supervisory and executive positions in the criminal justice system including law enforcement agencies, federal and state agencies, correctional facilities, and courts. The major exposes students to management concepts content and methods that are grounded in ethical principles and considerations and provides students with the academic and practical skills necessary to succeed in supervisory and executive positions.

Learning Outcomes. Students will:

  • Identify core management and administrative challenges that affect the delivery of services by criminal justice organizations.
  • Explain the political, economic, legal, and social environments in which criminal justice agencies operate.
  • Identify and respond to ethical standards within criminal justice organizations.
  • Analyze and synthesize information and use analytical approaches in designing appropriate courses of action for management-related problems in criminal justice agencies.
  • Design basic planning, decision-making, and management activities in public, private, or nonprofit criminal justice organizations.
  • Evaluate, generate, and communicate information to a diverse workforce and citizenry using tools such as oral presentations, written documents, presentation graphics, and online tools.
  • Describe a basic career progression within law enforcement, the courts, and corrections

Credits Required.

Criminal Justice Management Major 48
General Education 42
Electives 30
Total Credits Required for B.S. Degree 120

Coordinator. Professor Warren Eller, Department of Public Management (weller@jjay.cuny.edu)

Advisor. Ms. Yvonne Purdie, Department of Public Management (212.237.8554, ypurdie@jjay.cuny.edu)

Advising information. Advising Resources Page including a Sample Four-year Degree Map.

Baccalaureate/Master’s Program in Criminal Justice Management. Qualified undergraduate students may enter the Baccalaureate/Master’s Program and thereby graduate with both a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice management, and either a master’s degree in criminal justice or the Master of Public Administration degree. For additional information, see BA/MA Webpage or email: bamadirector@jjay.cuny.edu.

Additional information. Students who enroll for the first time at the College or changed to this major in September 2021 or thereafter must complete the major in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose either the form shown here or the earlier version of the major. A copy of the earlier version may be obtained in the 2021-22 Undergraduate Bulletin

Part One. Foundation Courses

CJBS 101Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System


CJM 101Introduction to Criminal Justice Management


AFR 237Institutional Racism


ENG 235Writing for Management, Business and Public Administration


LAW 203Constitutional Law


Subtotal: 15

Part Two. Management Courses

PAD 121Information in Public Administration


CJM 300Research Methods in Criminal Justice Management


CJM 301Organizational Behavior and Management in Criminal Justice Agencies


CJM 348Justice Planning and Program Evaluation


CJM 401Professional Ethics in Public Organizations


PAD 314Leadership, Supervision and Performance


PAD 343Administration of Financial Resources


Subtotal: 21

Part Three. Electives

Choose three courses from the following list. If you choose PAD 402 Seminar and Internship in Public Administration (6 cr.) then you can only choose one additional course.
COM 285Courtroom Communication


COR 202The Administration of Correctional Programs for Juveniles


COR 282Principles of Correctional Operations


COR 303Comparative Correction Systems


CRJ 255Computer Applications in Criminal Justice


LAW 313/POL 313The Law and Politics of Race Relations


PAD 318Decisions in Crises


PAD 346Human Resource Administration


PAD 402Seminar and Internship in Public Administration


PAD 404Practicum in Public Administration


PSC 201Police Organization and Administration


PSC 216Crime Mapping


PSC 340Planning for Police Operations and Management


STA 250Principles and Methods of Statistics


Note: If students take PAD 402 the internship or PAD 404 practicum, the placement or project must involve an agency with a criminal justice–related mission to count in the Criminal Justice Management major.

Subtotal: 9

Part Four. Capstone Seminar

CJM 445Seminar in Justice Administration and Planning



PAD 445Seminar in Justice Administration and Planning

Subtotal: 3

Total Credit Hours: 48