2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Spanish, Bachelor of Arts

The Spanish Major is designed to be flexible, creative, and meet a host of different goals, allowing students to develop the advanced linguistic skills and forms of cultural competence so frequently sought in today’s globally competitive and interconnected world. Students will choose between two concentrations. Concentration A. Translation and Interpretation - equips students with the necessary knowledge, tools and abilities to become competent interpreters and translators. Concentration B. Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures - is designed for students who wish to pursue a more general course of study of the varied cultural and literary histories of the Spanish speaking world. Graduates will be prepared for a number of jobs in government, nonprofit agencies, and the private sector, as well as entry into graduate and professional schools.

Learning Outcomes. Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced level competency in all language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in accordance with criteria developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) while developing skills in critical and analytical thinking as well as sharpening research skills through discussion and analysis of different kind of texts, films, documents, and linguistic data.
  • Develop professional standards to give presentations in Spanish on a variety of cultural topics including literature, popular culture and films, or interpret speech and translate documents from one language to another, according to their interests.
  • Demonstrate intercultural competency through their contact and engagement with the cultures, literatures, history and politics of the diverse places where Spanish is spoken: the Americas- North, Central, and South―the Caribbean, and Europe.
  • Gain knowledge of the legal systems of the Spanish–speaking world.
  • Graduate with extraordinary international opportunities, whether they elect to undertake further specialized study in Hispanic literatures and cultures, or decide instead to translate and interpret from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Their knowledge of Hispanic cultures will enhance their career opportunities in publishing and journalism, public service, international law and business, social services, diplomacy.
  • Expand their career possibilities in many professional fields.

Credits Required.

Spanish Major (or more depending on placement)
General Education 42
Electives 42
Total Credits Required for B.A. Degree 120

Coordinator. Professor Aída Martínez-Gómez, (amartinez-gomez@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. 

Advisors. Concentration A: Professor Aída Martínez-Gómez, (amartinez-gomez@jjay.cuny.edu), Concentration B: Professor Maria Julia Rossi (mrossi@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.

Advising information.  Spanish Major Advising Resources including Sample Four-year Degree Map (Concentration A: Translation & Interpretation or Concentration B: Literatures & Culture).

Prerequisites. The Spanish major requires successful completion of the beginning Spanish sequence (SPA 101-SPA 102 OR SPA 111-SPA 112) or placement test results indicating an equivalent level of Spanish language comprehension. The placement exam is available in the Modern Language Lab in room 7.65.00 NB. These courses satisfy the requirements of the General Education program in the Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues; and in the College Option: Communications areas.

Experiential learning opportunities. Students in the Spanish Major participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities in the area of translation and interpretation. Throughout their studies, students can volunteer as translators and interpreters at John Jay and with partner non-profit organizations. In their junior year, students are encouraged to participate in the Student Interpreter Services Program, a paid experiential learning opportunity providing language services for John Jay families through the Office for Student Transition Programs. During the senior year, students typically engage in an internship experience in translation and/or interpretation in a specific area of their choice.  In recent years, Spanish majors have worked as interpreters at John Jay during Family Orientation Days and in immigration screenings with attorneys. They have volunteered their services to non-profit organizations and civic groups, such as The Door, the Petey Greene Program and the NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, and to city-wide events organized by the offices of different council members. They have interned as interpreters and translators for the NYS Unified Court System and non-profit organizations, such as Immigration Equality and UnLocal.



Language Practice

SPA 201Intermediate Spanish I



SPA 211Intermediate Spanish I for Heritage Students



SPA 202Intermediate Spanish II



SPA 212Intermediate Spanish II for Heritage Students


SPA 215Spanish Conversation & Composition


Subtotal: 9

Career Emphasis

Select one
SPA 255Spanish for the Professional


SPA 250Spanish for Criminal Justice


Subtotal: 3


Select either Concentration A or Concentration B.

Concentration A. Translation and Interpretation

Concentration A prepares students for positions as translators and interpreters generally, and specifically for positions requiring a background in legal concepts and terminology.

SPA 230Translating I


SPA 231Interpreting I


SPA 330Translating II


SPA 333Interpreting II


SPA 340Legal Interpreting I


SPA 435Legal Translating


Subtotal: 18

Electives - Select two
SPA 309The Theme of Justice in Spanish Lit (Taught in Spanish)


SPA 321Spanish Literature I


SPA 322Spanish Literature II


SPA 331Latin-American Literature I


SPA 332Latin-American Literature II


SPA 336Themes of Justice in Latin American Lit & Film (Taught in Spanish)


SPA 357Violence Against Women in the Spanish-Speaking World


SPA 380Advanced Selected Topics in Spanish


SPA 440Legal Interpreting II


SPA 478Internship in Spanish Interpretation and Translation


Subtotal: 6

Concentration B. Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures

Concentration B is designed for students who wish to pursue a more general course of study in Spanish and Latin American literatures and cultures. Students who elect Concentration B can achieve levels of cultural knowledge and sophistication that should make them particularly attractive to employers in such areas as government, international relations, business, marketing (both domestically and in Spain or Latin America), journalism, the foreign service, and certain NGOs in the non-profit sector.

Select one 300-level Spanish Literature course
SPA 321Spanish Literature I


SPA 322Spanish Literature II


Select one 300-level Latin American Literature course
SPA 331Latin-American Literature I


SPA 332Latin-American Literature II


Select one 300-level Theme of Justice through Literature and/or Film course
SPA 309The Theme of Justice in Spanish Lit (Taught in Spanish)


SPA 336Themes of Justice in Latin American Lit & Film (Taught in Spanish)


Select one 400-level course
SPA 401Contemporary Issues in Hispanic Literature


Subtotal: 12

Electives - Select four
SPA 230Translating I


SPA 231Interpreting I


SPA 320Latin-American Theatre Taller de Teatro/Theatre Workshop


SPA 351Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Issues in Hispanic Film and Literature


SPA 354Hispanic Film


SPA 357Violence Against Women in the Spanish-Speaking World


SPA 359The African Legacy in Latin America Through Literature and Films


SPA 380Advanced Selected Topics in Spanish


FRE 201Intermediate French I


POR 201Intermediate Portuguese I


Subtotal: 12

Total Credit Hours: 36


  • A semester of study abroad in a Spanish-speaking university, approved by the student's major advisor and department chair, may substitute for up to fifteen (15) credit hours toward the major.
  • All courses used for the major must be taught primarily in the Spanish language except for the POR 201 and FRE 201 electives.