2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Digital Media and Journalism Minor

Description. This interdisciplinary minor engages students in the study, critique, and production of media across a variety of platforms, with a special emphasis on digital content. Students can choose a flexible path of courses related to journalism, film and video, photography, social media and other forms of communication, with digital and information literacy threaded throughout the curriculum. In today’s world, media is power.  Learn how to analyze and harness that power in a manner that engages, informs, and advances justice.

Learning Outcomes. Students will:

• Research Skills: Identify, evaluate and effectively use legitimate information from a range of sources.

• Knowledge Acquisition: Understand the structures and conventions that shape mass communication in the Digital Age.

• Analytical Skills: Analyze and assess a variety of contemporary media forms in their social, cultural, and political contexts. 

• Critical Thinking Skills: Compare and critique various media with a focus on how messages are shaped in order to inform and influence audiences. 

• Writing and Production Skills: Conceive, create, publish and promote a variety of media for different audiences.

Rationale. Students of all disciplines can benefit by learning about the power of media and by developing the most responsible, effective ways to wield such power. As technology democratizes media access and multiplies public voices exponentially, students need the information literacy and critical thinking skills to navigate among the chaos as consumers and cultivate their own voices as producers.

Credits. 18-19

Minor coordinator. Professors Devin Harner (646.557.4604, dharner@jjay.cuny.edu) and Alexa Capeloto (646-557-4546. acapeloto@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of English

Requirements. A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minor or program.

Additional information. Students who enrolled for the first time at the College or selected this minor in September 2016 or thereafter must complete the minor in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose the form shown here or the earlier version of the minor. A copy of the earlier version may be obtained in the 2015-16 Undergraduate Bulletin.

Part One. Required Courses

ENG 131Self, Media and Society


ENG 233News Reporting and Writing


Subtotal: 7

Part Two. Electives

Select three or four depending on course credits of those taken.  At least one must be a 300-level course.

ART 113Digital Photography I


ART 125Graphic Design


ART 213Digital Photography 2


COM 213/LAW 213The Impact of the Mass Media on the Administration of Justice


ENG 242Contemporary Media in Everyday Life


ENG 245Creative Nonfiction


ENG 261Digital Video Production


ENG 334Intermediate News Reporting and Writing


ENG 336Digital Journalism


LIT 329Documentary Film and Media


POL 232Media and Politics


SOC 104Tabloid Justice: Causes & Consequences of Crime Sensationalism


SOC 222Crime, Media and Public Opinion


Subtotal: 11-12

Total Credit Hours: 18-19