2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Addiction Studies Program and Minor

The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) has been authorized by the New York State Legislature to issue a Credential in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counseling (CASAC). To qualify for the CASAC credential, candidates must pass a written and oral examination after fulfilling education, training and paid employment requirements.

The Addiction Studies Program of John Jay College is an OASAS Certified Education and Training Provider. After completing the program, students will have met the education requirement, but must still meet the work experience, testing, and other requirements as specified by OASAS before earning the CASAC. The CASAC credential is issued by OASAS, not by the college.

Credits required. 24

Program/Minor coordinator. Professors Elizabeth Jeglic (addictionstudiesprogram@jjay.cuny.edu) Department of Psychology 

Requirements. Students must complete the eight courses (24 credits) listed below to fulfill the education requirements for the CASAC.

Upon completion of these eight courses, students will earn a certificate that verifies the completion of the education requirements for the CASAC. This certificate of completion can be sent to OASAS, which will issue a CASAC–Trainee certificate. More information about the CASAC-Trainee certificate can be found on the Addiction Studies site (https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/undergraduate-programs/undergraduate-certificates/certificate-addiction-studies).

For matriculated students, a maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minors or programs. While completion of the minor is notated on the student’s transcript, completion of the program is not.

Required Courses

ANT 110/SOC 110Drug Use & Abuse



SOC 366Drugs in U.S. Society



PSY 161Chemical Dependency and the Dysfunctional Family


PSY 255Group Dynamics in Chemical Dependency Counseling


PSY 266Understanding Addiction through Research


PSY 268Therapeutic Interventions in Chemical Dependency


PSY 331/CSL 331Assessment and Clinical Evaluation in Chemical Dependency Counseling


PSY 350/CSL 350Advanced Topics in Chemical Dependency Counseling


PSY 480Ethical and Professional Issues in Chemical Dependency Counseling



Students may elect to fulfill some of the training requirements (fieldwork) for CASAC by completing the two courses below.

PSY 378Fieldwork in Psychology


PSY 379Fieldwork in Psychology


Note: PSY 378 - PSY 379: The fieldwork must be done at an OASAS Certified Substance Abuse Program. A total of 300 fieldwork hours is required by OASAS for the training requirement.

Total Credit Hours: 24