2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin

Counseling Minor

Description. The Counseling Minor provides a valuable educational opportunity for those students interested in seeking employment or graduate school admission within the human services, social work and counseling professions. The counseling minor provides skills based training requisite to working effectively as a helping professional. Professional helpers work in a variety of settings including mental health facilities, business and industry, substance abuse clinics, health centers, educational settings, corrections facilities and in a broad range of criminal justice and public service agencies.

Rationale. The Counseling Minor is rooted in the expanding demand for competent professional helpers who possess the skills and abilities necessary to confront a wide range of contemporary challenges facing diverse, at risk and underserved populations in need. The courses help students acquire foundational competencies such as communication and helping skills, knowledge of human service theory and a general awareness of the impact of race, ethnicity, gender, family, spirituality, government, education, and social systems on human growth and development in our society. Students will learn to assist others in numerous human service capacities including problem resolution and prevention, advocacy, community resource management, and individual and community intervention.

Learning Outcomes. Students will:

  • Analyze and evaluate the theories of human systems and the many challenges facing diverse and underserved populations
  • Apply interpersonal skills congruent with the necessary knowledge, values, practice and skills for working effectively with individuals, families and groups in a variety of helping settings.
  • Develop ability to use basic counseling competencies and skills to assist populations in need.
  • Evaluate and provide appropriate referrals to social service and community agencies

Credits. 18

Minor Coordinator:
 Professor Mickey Melendez (mmelendez@jjay.cuny.edu), Department of Counseling and Human Services

Requirements. A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student's major, other minor(s) or programs including those students majoring in the BS in Human Services and Community Justice.

Additional information. Students who selected this minor in September 2019 or thereafter must complete the minor in the form presented here.  Students who were in the Human Services Minor prior to that date may choose to declare the Counseling Minor or complete the earlier version of the Human Services Minor which can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin 2018-19.   

Please note. The Counseling Minor was formerly the Human Services Minor.

Part One. Required Courses

CHS 150/CSL 150Foundations of Human Services Counseling


CHS 310/CSL 210Advanced Interpersonal Counseling Skills


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


Subtotal: 9

Part Two. Electives

Select three courses. Only one 100-level course can satisfy Part Two.

CHS 230Culture, Direct Service and Community Practice



CSL 230Case Management in Human Services

CHS 235Theories of Assessment and Intervention in Human Services



CSL 235Theories and Interventions of Human Services Counseling

CHS 381Field Education in Human Services I



CSL 381Fieldwork in Human Service


CSL 130Effective Parenting


CSL 220Leadership Skills


CSL 227Families: Stress, Resiliency and Support Systems


CSL 233Multicultural Issues in Human Services


CSL 250Intimate Relationships: Love, Sex and Attachment


CSL 260Gender & Work Life


CSL 280Selected Topics in Counseling and Human Services


CSL 211Peer Counseling Practicum


CSL 311Field Education in College Community Outreach


CSL 342/PSY 342Introduction to Counseling Psychology


CSL 363Vocational Development and Social Justice in Human Services


CSL 385Faculty Mentored Research Experience in Counseling and Human Service


CSL 389Independent Study 300-level


CSL 489Independent Study 400-level


PSY 161Chemical Dependency and the Dysfunctional Family


PSY 242Psychological Disorders and Distress (formerly Abnormal Psychology)


PSY 268Therapeutic Interventions in Chemical Dependency


Interdisciplinary Studies Program (ISP) - A designated number of interdisciplinary studies courses can be used to complete requirements when appropriate to the topic of Counseling or Human Services. Contact the ISP Department (Room 6.65.00 NB) for details about courses, and consult with the Counseling minor coordinator before registering.

Subtotal: 9

Total Credit Hours: 18