Gender Studies Minor
Description. Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores the making and meaning of gender-femininity and masculinity-as well as sexuality across cultures and social formations, past and present. The underlying belief of Gender Studies is that gender influences human options, conditions and experiences. Legal, political, economic and cultural systems are shaped by assumptions about gender and sexuality. Deep understanding of gender patterns, dynamics and biases can enhance the accuracy and scope of work in many fields, including criminal justice, psychology, anthropology, sociology, literature, philosophy and history. Gender awareness benefits individuals, communities and organizations.
Learning Outcomes. Students will:
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of key concepts in Gender Studies.
- Demonstrate the ability to think reflexively about one’s subject position within the literature of Gender Studies courses.
- Identify assumptions about gender and sexuality, including an awareness of how gender, race, class, ethnicity, and sexual orientation intersect, and how these intersections influence constructions of human identity in historical, cultural, and geographic contexts.
- Demonstrate the ability to connect scholarly inquiry about gender and sexuality to theories and institutions of justice, criminality and human rights, as per John Jay’s mission.
Rationale. One of the strengths of Gender Studies is that it teaches critical analysis by taking one of our most basic experiences-that of being a gendered human being-and forces us to question its meaning within a broad range of frameworks. Because students in the minor take courses from a variety of disciplines, such as political science, Latin American and Latina/o Studies, law and police science, and English, they are exposed to many different methodological approaches and theoretical debates. Students who earn a Gender Studies minor learn to be supple and critical thinkers, skills that will enhance their eligibility for any post–graduate work or career.
A minor in Gender Studies is very flexible. Like majors or minors in other social science and humanities disciplines, the Gender Studies minor does not prepare students for one job, but for many different kinds of employment. Gender Studies courses train students in critical thinking, social science and humanities research methods and writing. Coursework provides knowledge about the interplay of gender, race, class and sexuality in the United States and globally. The ability to apply an internship toward credit in the minor allows students the opportunity to evaluate possible careers and provides employment experiences that help graduates find future employment. A minor in Gender Studies, with its combination of cross–disciplinary, analytic and practical skills, provides a well–rounded graduate with the tools to adapt to a world of rapidly changing work and family structures.
Students who pursue Gender Studies have gone on to work in social services administration, domestic violence advocacy, business, communications, journalism, law enforcement, psychological and counseling services, legal and political fields, and a host of other careers.
Minor coordinator. Professor Olivera Jokic, Department of English (
Additional information. Students who enrolled for the first time at the College in September 2016 or thereafter must complete the minor in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose the form shown here or the earlier version of the minor. A copy of the earlier version can be obtained in the Undergraduate Bulletin 2015-16.
Requirements. The Gender Studies minor allows students to focus on the meanings and implications of gender by taking two required courses and four courses (18 credits) from the rich variety of Gender Studies courses offered in the social sciences and humanities. The Gender Studies coordinator compiles a list of all courses offered in the minor prior to student registration and posts it on the Gender Studies minor website: A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minors or programs.
At least one course must be at the 300-level or above. Students minoring in Gender Studies can receive 3 credits toward the minor if they do an internship in a gender-related field. See the Minor Coordinator listed above for permission.
Part One. Required Courses
Subtotal: 6
Part Two. Electives
Choose four. At least one course from EACH of the following categories. At least one course must be at the 300-level or above.
Category A: Diversities and Cultural Representations of Genders and Sexualities
These courses focus on constructions of gender and sexuality internationally and among diverse communities and cultures in the United States. Some of these courses focus on the study of art, media, literature and cultural production both as sites of theoretical and political work about gender and sexuality and as sources of the construction and representation of gendered/sexed identities.
Select at least one
AFR 248 | Men: Masculinities in the United States | 3 |
ANT 210/PSY 210 | Sex and Culture | 3 |
ART 222 | Body Politics | 3 |
ART 224/AFR 224 | African American Women in Art | 3 |
COR 320 | Race, Class and Gender in a Correctional Context | 3 |
DRA 243 | Black Female Sexuality in Film | 3 |
DRA 245 | Women in Theatre | 3 |
ENG 346 | Feminist Rhetorics: Histories, Intersections, Challenges | 3 |
GEN 255/BIO 255 | Biology of Gender & Sexuality | 3 |
GEN 333/PHI 333 | Theories of Gender and Sexuality | 3 |
GEN 350 | Feminist and Critical Methodologies | 3 |
GEN 356/HIS 356 | Sexuality, Gender, and Culture in Muslim Societies | 3 |
GEN 364/HIS 364 | History of Gender and Sexuality: Prehistory to 1650 | 3 |
GEN 380 | Selected Topics in Gender Studies | 3 |
HIS 265/LLS 265 | Class, Race and Family in Latin American History | 3 |
HIS 270 | Marriage in Medieval Europe | 3 |
HIS 323 | History of Lynching and Collective Violence | 3 |
HIS 375 | Female Felons in the Premodern World | 3 |
ISP 334 | Sex, Gender and Justice in Global Perspective | 3 |
LIT 316 | Gender and Identity in Literary Traditions | 3 |
LLS 255 | Latin American Woman in Global Society | 3 |
SOC 243 | Sociology of Sexualities | 3 |
Category B: Socio-Political and Economic Systems and Gender and Sexuality
These courses address the construction of gender and sexuality within the legal, economic and social structures of our society. They look at the very pragmatic ways that societies both reinforce and undermine gender and sexuality through their policies and social practices. Courses that satisfy this requirement will investigate historical or contemporary gender and sexuality within law, sociology, economics, government, criminology and psychology.
Select at least one
Subtotal: 12
Total Credit Hours: 18