Spanish Minor
Description. The status of Spanish as the second most spoken language on earth, together with the impact of globalization on the career opportunity landscape, argues strongly for the potential value of the study of Spanish as a second field of specialization. The Spanish Minor is primarily designed to develop linguistic, cultural and literary competence in Spanish by exploring literary texts, films, and cultural productions in Spain and Latin America through reading, writing, and research conducted in Spanish.
Learning Outcomes. Students will:
- Demonstrate oral competence in Spanish at an advanced-high level of proficiency consistent with ACTFL Proficiency rating guidelines.
- Demonstrate reading competence in Spanish at an advanced-high level of proficiency consistent with ACTFL Proficiency rating guidelines.
- Demonstrate writing competence in Spanish at an advanced-high level of proficiency consistent with ACTFL Proficiency rating guidelines.
- Demonstrate intercultural competence of the Spanish-speaking world in an advanced-high level of proficiency.
- Identify major works, figures, trends, periods, and movements in the Hispanic literary, artistic and cultural traditions, demonstrating an awareness of the difference and diversity of the Hispanic world.
- Perform analysis of literary, cinematic, or other “texts” based on formal (genres conventions, point of view, tropes, etc.) and contextual information (author’s cultural, aesthetic, historical, and political contexts).
Rationale. In the age of globalization mastery of a second language and culture provides students with valuable and necessary skills and a clear competitive edge in virtually any given occupational field. The State Department, for example, is placing increased emphasis on language knowledge in a wide range of federal government fields, including positions in the: Foreign Services, International Communication Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Naturalization Services, Bureau of Narcotics, Department of Treasury, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Office of Economic Opportunity, and all levels of government in areas serving a large immigrant population. Similarly, job prospects in areas such as social service (law enforcement, welfare, health services, nursing, vocational counselor, case worker), arts, media and entertainment (advertising, journalism/broadcasting, publishing/editing), or in banking and financial services should be best for those who have professional certification in a foreign language. Minoring in Spanish makes you stand out in the increasingly competitive job market and in the admission process to top-rated graduate and professional schools.
Coordinator. Professors Javier Morero Rivero (, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
Requirements. To complete the minor, students must take 18 credits (six courses) in Spanish language, literature, culture and/or translation beginning at the 200-level. A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minor or program.
Academic Planning. The Spanish minor requires successful completion of the beginning Spanish sequence (SPA 101-SPA 102 OR SPA 111-SPA 112) or placement test results indicating an equivalent level of Spanish language comprehension. These courses satisfy the requirements of the General Education program in the Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues; and in the College Option: Communications areas. The placement exam is available in the Modern Language Lab in room 7.65.00 NB.
Additional information. Students who enrolled for the first time at the College or selected this minor in September 2016 or thereafter must complete the minor in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose the form shown here or the earlier version of the minor. A copy of the earlier version can be obtained in the 2015–2016 Undergraduate Bulletin.
Part One. Required Courses
SPA 215 | Spanish Conversation & Composition | 3 |
SPA 401 | Contemporary Issues in Hispanic Literature | 3 |
Subtotal: 6
Part Two. Electives
200-Level Electives
Choose two
SPA 201 | Intermediate Spanish I | 3 |
SPA 202 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3 |
SPA 211 | Intermediate Spanish I for Heritage Students | 3 |
SPA 212 | Intermediate Spanish II for Heritage Students | 3 |
SPA 230 | Translating I | 3 |
SPA 231 | Interpreting I | 3 |
SPA 250 | Spanish for Criminal Justice | 3 |
SPA 255 | Spanish for the Professional | 3 |
300-Level Electives
Choose two
SPA 309 | The Theme of Justice in Spanish Lit (Taught in Spanish) | 3 |
SPA 320 | Latin-American Theatre Taller de Teatro/Theatre Workshop | 3 |
SPA 321 | Spanish Literature I | 3 |
SPA 322 | Spanish Literature II | 3 |
SPA 331 | Latin-American Literature I | 3 |
SPA 332 | Latin-American Literature II | 3 |
SPA 336 | Themes of Justice in Latin American Lit & Film (Taught in Spanish) | 3 |
SPA 351 | Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Issues in Hispanic Film and Literature | 3 |
SPA 354 | Hispanic Film | 3 |
SPA 357 | Violence Against Women in the Spanish-Speaking World | 3 |
SPA 359 | The African Legacy in Latin America Through Literature and Films | 3 |
SPA 380 | Advanced Selected Topics in Spanish | 3 |
SPA 389 | Independent Study 300-level | 3 |
Subtotal: 12
Note. All courses used towards the minor must be taught primarily in the Spanish language. A higher level course can be substituted for a lower level course but not vice versa. For example, Spanish 320 can be substituted for Spanish 250.
The list of electives above is not exclusive. Other departmental courses taught in the Spanish language may be used with the approval of the department chair.
Students have the possibility of receiving 6 credits for SPA 201/211 and SPA 202/212 for earning a score of four or better on the Spanish Literature and Culture Advanced Placement Examination taken in high school. These credits can be applied towards the minor in Spanish.
Total Credit Hours: 18