2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin

Race and Criminal Justice, Advanced Certificate

Program Coordinator: Dr. Frank Pezzella

The Advanced Certificate in Race and Criminal Justice is an interdisciplinary program.  All courses are offered by the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program. The program offers advanced instruction on contemporary law and history of racial oppression in four critical areas of expertise: law, criminology, policing, and penology. The Advanced Certificate in Race and Criminal Justice is appropriate for students who wish to engage in research, become public or private security professionals at local, state or federal levels, or join U.S. agencies concerned with civil rights and criminal justice. 

This is a stand-alone certificate at the post-baccalaureate level. A student may pursue the advanced certificate independent of a master’s program or while pursuing a John Jay master’s degree. Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a New York State Education Department certificate.

Requirements for the Advanced Certificate

CRJ 736Seminar in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties


CRJ 737Race, Punishment, and Prison


CRJ 738Perspectives on Race and Crime in America


CRJ 757Police and the Community


Total Credit Hours: 12

For academic information about the Advanced Certificate in Crime Prevention and Analysis, please contact the Criminal Justice M.A. program at 212.237.8631 or crjma@jjay.cuny.edu.