2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin

Transnational Organized Crime Studies, Advanced Certificate

Program Coordinator: Dr. Katarzyna Celinska

The Advanced Certificate in Transnational Organized Crime Studies (ACTOCS) offers advanced instruction on the nature, dynamics, causes, and control of those crime phenomena that pose a challenge to more than one country and call for international cooperation. It examines the nature and etiology of established as well as emerging transnational organized criminal groups and criminal activities. The focus is on illegal cross-border trade such as the trafficking in drugs, counterfeit medicine, and humans; transnational predatory crimes such as cross-border serial burglary; international environmental crimes; money laundering, corruption, and cybercrime; networks of offenders involved in these crimes and their terrestrial and virtual mobility; and factors that facilitate and shape transnational crime, including technology, international travel, trade, and migration.

This advanced certificate program is appropriate for students who wish to engage in research, join law enforcement agencies at national or international levels, or seek employment at public or private international organizations.

This is a stand-alone certificate at the graduate level. A student may pursue the advanced certificate independent of a master’s program or while pursuing a John Jay master’s degree. Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a New York State Education Department certificate.

This certificate may also be completed fully online. 

Requirements for the Advanced Certificate

Required Course

ICJ 706Transnational Crime


Total Credit Hours:3


Students must choose and complete three courses:

ICJ 705Human Rights and Counterterrorism


ICJ 725Environmental Crime


ICJ 726Drug Trafficking


ICJ 760/SEC 760Information Technology and Cybercrime


ICJ 729Organized Crime: An International Perspective


ICJ 730Human Trafficking


ICJ 755Terrorism and Transnational Crime


ICJ 762Corruption and the Global Economy


CRJ 713White-Collar Crime


CRJ 727/FCM 727Cybercriminology


CRJ 784Organized Crime


Total Credit Hours:9


Total Credit Hours: 12

For additional information about this program, please contact Graduate Admissions at 212.237.8863 or graduateadmissions@jjay.cuny.edu.